Upcoming Events
Introduction to Psychodynamic Theory & Practice: The Six Major Theorists
These seminars are to introduce 6 major psychoanalytic theorists:
- Sigmund Freud
- Donald Winnicott
- Melanie Klein
- Wilfred Bion
- Jacques Lacan
- Carl Jung
These seminars are to introduce 6 major psychoanalytic theorists: Sigmund Freud, Donald Winnicott, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Jacques Lacan and Carl Jung. These seminars are a gentle introduction to psychoanalytic theories. They are for anybody who has an interest in understanding the psychodynamic theories about the mind and the therapies that have evolved from these.
However, they are particularly intended for those in training courses in the helping professions whose courses are often limited in their psychodynamic focus. They would also be helpful to psychiatry trainees for the psychotherapy written case. The seminars will explore the beginnings of psychodynamic theory with Freud and their further development by Klein. Then the often dauntingly difficult ideas of Winnicott, Bion and Lacan will be examined. To complement these the course will finish by embracing the creativity of the ideas of Jung.
Seminar Leader Biography
Dr. Robin Chester is a Training Analyst with the Australian Psychoanalytic Society (APAS) a Fellow/Member College of Psychiatrists since 1978, APAS member since 1987, has a PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies (Monash) topic on the role of paradox in psychoanalytic theory & practice. He is also the Senior Visiting Consultant Flinders Medical Centre, formerly lecturer at Edith Cowan University & has presented numerous papers on psychoanalysis in Australia, Europe & England.
Tuesdays, 7.00pm - 8:30pm
15th April 2025 - 26th August 2025
Online Via Zoom
20 week course, weekly for 1.5 hours
Cost: $790
NOTE: The last day for registration and payment is 10th April 2025 The course will be run with a minimum of 9 participants.
"A Child’s Use of Psychoanalysis in Developmental Struggles with Confusing Objects"
“In this paper I use extracts from the clinical encounter with a child, who started a four- year analysis just before her 7th birthday, to illustrate the painful struggles in her inner world. The external world had presented adults who behaved so inconsistently and unpredictably that the child was confused between pretend and genuine feelings. The struggles came alive in moving ways in the to and fro of the transference and countertransference and were often dramatized in the child’s relationship to and with her body.
In child analysis there is not infrequently bodily contact with the
analyst, conveying a great deal of communication and meaning. Sometimes it seemed urgent for the child to use parts of her own and the analyst’s body as the only available route both to deal with and communicate her internal reality. I draw your attention to this aspect of the analysis particularly in relation to the risk of consolidation of perverse structures and defences into adult life."
Presented and Discussed by:
Bernard Roberts, is an Adult and Child Analyst and Training Analyst of The British Psychoanalytical Society. He is currently Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Brent Centre for Young People. He trained at the Cassel Hospital and The Tavistock Clinic. In his NHS career he was Medical Director of Kingston and District Community NHS Trust and Lead Psychotherapist at Central North West London Foundation NHS Trust. He works in full-time private analytic practice.
Thursday 3rd April 2025
7.30pm Adelaide, South Australia
Online Via Zoom
Cost: $90
NOTE: This talk will not be recorded & registrations close on 26th March 2025
Past Events
AIP Online Talk: Evidence based psychoanalytic treatment: "Where are we now?"
Tuesday 18th February 2025
By Professor Patrick Luyten
The Adelaide Institute of Psychoanalysis is presenting an online talk by Professor Patrick Luyten on evidence based psychoanalytic treatment.
'In this talk we will review evidence concerning the effectiveness of the spectrum of psychoanalytic therapies, with a focus on longer-term psychoanalytic treatments, including psychoanalysis. I will also summarize the evidence that has emerged over the past decades for long-term effects, cost-effectiveness and potential mechanisms of change of psychoanalytic therapies.
This is followed by a discussion of research on similarities and differences between psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapies, and differences between outcomes of therapists/analysts in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapies, based on a number of well-known and exemplary quantitative and qualitative studies. Finally, I will discuss the relevance of this body of research for psychoanalytic practice and training'.
AIP Online Talk: Infant Life & Infant Death
Thursday 25th July 2024
6:45pm - 8:15pm (Adelaide)
Online Via Zoom
Cost $80
The Adelaide Institute of Psychoanalysis is presenting an online talk titled Infant Life & Infant Death. With some psychoanalytic snapshots from two short movies ‘Laid Down’ (15 mins) and ‘Flown’ (10 mins). Shot from the point of view of a newborn baby, Laid Down explores the chaotic world of a developing infant and Flown portrays a couple as they struggle to deal with the loss of their baby. The participants will be offered an emotionally charged and engaging journey as seen through the eyes of both the infant and parents.
Management of borderline patients in Crisis
21st September – 23rd November 2021
This seminar is aimed at developing psychotherapeutic intervention to de- escalate suicidal behaviors and crisis presentation of borderline patients. This intervention is based on a psychodynamic formulation of the presentation. These clinical discussions require participants to bring one verbatim session of an interview with a borderline patient. This seminar would particularly suit psychiatry registrars, psychiatrists and senior clinicians working in the emergency department or dealing with such patients in crisis.
Introduction to Psychodynamic Theory & Practice: Six major psychoanalytic theorists
By Dr Robin Chester
5th March 2024 – 16th July 2024
These online seminars are a 20-week gentle introduction to psychoanalytic theories. The seminars are for anybody who has an interest in understanding the psychodynamic theories about the mind and the therapies that have evolved from these. They will be particularly helpful to those in the helping professions whose formal training may, unfortunately, be deficient in this important area of understanding, e.g. psychiatric registrars. The seminars will begin in March 2024 and will focus on the ideas of Freud, Klein, Winnicott, Bion, Lacan and Jung. For further details of the series please visit the AIP website – see below for the link.
Introduction to the five major psychoanalytic theorists
2nd Feb – 6th April 2021 (break till 4th May) 11th May – 13th July 2021
These seminars are a gentle introduction to psychoanalytic theories. They would be particularly helpful to psychiatry trainees for the psychotherapy written case. The first hour is a theory seminar led by Dr. Robin Chester, followed by a half hour psychodynamic case formulation of a clinical case brought by participants, led by Dr. Shanthi Saha.
Introduction to the five major psychoanalytic theorists
2nd Feb – 6th April 2021 (break till 4th May) 11th May – 13th July 2021
These seminars are a gentle introduction to psychoanalytic theories. They would be particularly helpful to psychiatry trainees for the psychotherapy written case. The first hour is a theory seminar led by Dr. Robin Chester, followed by a half hour psychodynamic case formulation of a clinical case brought by participants, led by Dr. Shanthi Saha.
Understanding the difficult to reach patient
7th April 2021 – 15th September 2021 with a 1 month break in August
By Pina Antinucci (British Psychoanalytic Society)
These seminars are to provide a psychoanalytic understanding for therapists working in any modality. These online clinical seminars will comprise of a detailed clinical discussion followed by a brief discussion of an allocated article. The clinical discussion requires participants to bring one verbatim session of a patient they are finding difficulty working with. The particular type of therapy that is being carried out with the patient is not the focus.
“When everything seems double”
Psychoanalysis, gender and text
Online public lecture by Dr Kay Souter
Psychoanalysis, literary studies and gender have a long, entwined and often uneasy history. It has been argued that much psychoanalysis, at least as written, has had a literary base since Studies in Hysteria;and likewise that literature has always been fundamentally concerned with the unconscious, ’how mind reformulates the real” (Peter Brooks). In thinking about mind, identity, the interpersonal, the literary provides, as it did for Freud and many who came after him, a proving ground, a stable artefact to help think about the interpersonal storms of the here-and-now. Can literature help to unravel, or at least contemplate, some of the puzzles of gender, sexuality, identity and what might this look like in psychoanalytic theory?
Thursday 25 November
7.15 – 8.45p.m. (CST)
Zoom Conference
Link details: TBA
$77 Inc. GST
Please contact Sonia Selvasingam for all enquiries and to register.