With branches in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, the Australian Psychoanalytical Society (APAS) is here for the benefit of psychoanalysts and their patients.
APAS delegates the training of candidates to its branches. Each centre has an Institute for Psychoanalysis which sponsors introductory courses in psychoanalysis for the interested public.
PO Box 834, 59 Penshurst Street
Willoughby, NSW 2068
Ms Georgina Varney: APASconnect@outlook.com
Executive committee
Louise Gyler: louise.gyler@bigpond.com
Vice President
Sonia Wechsler: sonia@soniawechsler.com.au
Anne Diamond: anne@diamond1.com.au
Richard Price: pricerichard@me.com
Adelaide Branch Chair
Gil Anaf: anaf@internode.on.net
Melbourne Branch Chair
Matthew McArdle: mrmcardle@hotmail.com
Sydney Branch Chair
Julie Meadows: julie.e.meadows@gmail.com
NEAT Committee
Louise Hird: louise@louisehird.com
Sydney Branch
5 Penshurst Street
Willoughby NSW 2068
General enquiries to Administration
Ms Georgina Varney: SIFP5@outlook.com
Branch Chair
Julie Meadows: julie.e.meadows@gmail.com
John McClean/Margaret Berkovic: margaret@berkovic.com
Jenepher Thomas: jmt@edgehill.com.au
Louise Hird: louise@louisehird.com
Melbourne Branch
400 Tooronga Road
Hawthorn East Victoria 3123
General Enquiries to the Honorary Secretary
Training & Admissions
Dr Teresa Russo: trusso@bigpond.net.au
Branch Chair
Dr Matthew McArdle: mrmcardle@hotmail.com
Dr Tim Alexander: timalexander@bigpond.com
Dr Kate Kendall & Ms Dimitra Bekos: katekendall01@gmail.com
Adelaide Branch
General, Training & Admissions
Dr Gil Anaf: gilanaf@icloud.com
Elizabeth Heath: lizheath@ozemail.com.au
Robin Chester: robinchester@internode.on.net
Concerns & complaints
We take our commitment to high standards very seriously. If you have a complaint or concern about a member, associate member, or candidate of the Society, please know that informal discussion in confidence and / or the lodgement of a formal complaint can be initiated by contacting the Chair or any member of the Ethics and Professional Practice Committee.
Chair: Ms Kaye Nelson - kayenel@bigpond.net.au
Members: Dr Kate Kendall - katekendall01@gmail.com,
Ms Milena Mirabelli - milenamirabelli@bigpond.com,
Dr Catharine Bailey - cgbailey@bigpond.net.au
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