Seminar Series

Donald Meltzer Revisited

Donald Meltzer (1922 – 2004), working in the Kleinian tradition, was known for his theoretical innovations. His significant contributions include the concept of adhesive identification and its role in autistic states of mind, the aesthetic conflict based on the inner mother-infant relationship and the claustrum and intrusive identification. In this seminar series, we revisit the ideas of Meltzer through presentations and conversations with international psychoanalytic experts who were supervised by Meltzer.

Seminar 1

Psychoanalytic atmosphere: Struggles between intimacy and respect
Presenter: Clara Nemas

Thursday 22 August 8-9.30pm

Seminar 2

The aesthetic model in psychoanalytic practice
Presenter: Virginia Ungar

Thursday 5 September 8-9.30pm

Seminar 3

Theory and Clinic of the Claustrum by Donald Meltzer: Intrusive identification at work and the emerging from the Claustrum
Presenter: Angelika Staehle

Thursday 12 September 8-9.30pm

Seminar 4

Life Space and Intrusive Identification: Thoughts on Identification Processes in the Analysis of a Borderline Patient
Presenter: Karen Proner

Thursday 19 September 8-9.30pm

Seminar 5

In Conversation with Clara Nemas, Angelika Staehle and Karen Proner

Thursday 26 September 8-9.30pm


Thursday 22 August & 5, 12, 19, 26 September, 2024, 8 - 9.30pm Sydney time.

Online via zoom

$330 for 5 Seminars or $88 per Seminar (incl GST). A recording will be available for a two-week period following each event.

Seminar Series 15 February to 14 March, 2024

The Body and the Psychoanalytical Process

We are honoured to have five internationally distinguished psychoanalysts reflecting on the intersections of mind and body and how the body and the senses enter psychoanalytic practice and thought. Online via Zoom

The Body of the Analyst and the Analytic Setting
Presenter: Alessandra Lemma

Skin Deep: an appealing paradox
Presenter: Virginia Ungar

Metaphoric Metonymic and Psychotic Somatoform Dissociation
Presenter: Dana Amir

The world we inhabit: the phantasy of the mother's body
Presenter: Clara Nemas

Musicality in the consulting room
Presenter: Francis Grier


APAS 50th Anniversary Conference October, 2023

Memory, Mourning & Re-imagining the Future

We are honoured to have three internationally distinguished psychoanalysts reflecting on the impact of trauma on psychic and social life and its transmission which complicates ideas of linear time.

In-room & Online | View Hotel, North Sydney

The APAS is pleased to invite you to our 50th Anniversary Conference. We wish to use this opportunity to remember, mourn and celebrate both our national and psychoanalytic culture. We want to explore how our socio-cultural threads influence the way we are and who we are becoming. To remember Freud, we are interested in understanding the shadows that have fallen upon our ideas and beliefs about psychoanalytic thought and practice. We welcome and invite you to join with us in this dialogue to re-imagine possible transformative developments in psychoanalysis.


Seminar Series Thursdays 15th - 29th June, 2023

"Reflections on Memory, Trauma and Time"

We are honoured to have three internationally distinguished psychoanalysts reflecting on the impact of trauma on psychic and social life and its transmission which complicates ideas of linear time.

"The analyst's identity challenged by the reality of today's adolescents"
Presenter: Florence Guignard

"On Winnicott's concept of the 'Fear of Breakdown"
Presenter: Jan Abram

"Internal and External: psychoanalysis as an experience of dialectic reality"
Presenter: Heribert Blass

Neville Symington Commemorative Conference 25 - 26 November, 2022

In-room & online via Zoom

"Spirited Conversations"

With keynote speaker, Michael Brearley

The Australian Psychoanalytical Society is pleased to invite you to our special event to commemorate the life and work of Neville Symington (1937- 2019). Symington has left an important and extensive body of work for which he was awarded the prestigious Sigourney Award in 2013. He understood deeply the need to think our own thoughts, the human desire for freedom of thought. We wish to honour his memory with our Conference, Spirited Conversations.


Annual Conference Days 10-11 September, 2022

"Navigating Boundaries: Too close / Too far" - With Professor Glen Gabbard, USA, Guest Speaker (online)

Online via zoom

The Australian Psychoanalytical Society is pleased to announce the Annual Conference Open Days will be on the theme of trauma, boundaries and the ethics of care. 

Professor Gabbard is Training and Supervising Analyst at the Houston-Galveston Psychoanalytic Institute, Houston, Texas and Director of the Baylor Psychiatry Clinic, Baylor College of Medicine. He will present the keynote paper entitled Boundaries in Cyberspace.


Encountering The Infantile In The Analytic Relationship 4 Part Seminar Series 26 March - 30 June, 2022

Online via Zoom
In this series of seminars, three internationally distinguished psychoanalysts discuss their perspectives on the infantile that have evolved through their deep and creative engagement with psychoanalytic thought and practice. The term, ‘the infantile’ covers several ideas including the infantile in the transference / countertransference encounter and the child within the adult. Expressions of the infantile can be silent or noisy in the analytic session but they are ever present both for patient and analyst alike, shaping the intersubjective encounter. Conscious and unconscious infantile aspects of the patient and the analyst can influence the analytic attitude, interpretive approaches and the capacity for play and imagination in both helpful and unhelpful directions.

"Psychoanalytic atmosphere - between intimacy and respect"
Presenter: Clara Nemas

"The infantile in psychoanalytic practice"
Presenter: Florence Guignard

"The Surviving and Non Surviving Objects: Intrapsychic subjective objects and their evolution"
Presenter: Jan Abram
Part 1 and 2

APAS Open Days

Our guest speaker Alina Schellekes will present her fascinating paper

Remembering & Retranscripting in Psychoanalysis

This event will will showcase the contemporary nature and relevance of psychoanalysis in today's rapidly changing world. The conference's focus is on how to work with states of mind where there is a poorly developed sense of self.

Alina Schellekes esteemed guest speaker will deliver a paper “When Time Stood Still: Thoughts about Time Dimensions in Primitive Mental States”. In addition Australian keynote speakers will present stimulating papers, and offer an array of workshops for registrants.


Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th September, 2021

Online via Zoom

Public Lecture: The Dread of Falling and Dissolving - Further Thoughts

with guest speaker Alina Schellekes

This paper illustrates the way Alina Schellekes works with different kinds of anxieties through her own dreams, art works & short stories. Psychoanalytic professionals and members of the public for all disciplines interested in mental health, are welcome to attend.

Alina Schellekes is a senior clinical psychologist and a training and supervising psychoanalyst of The Israel Psychoanalytic Society.


Wednesday 1st September, 2021
7.15pm - 9.15pm (AEST)

Live via Zoom