Models of the Mind:
An introduction to psychoanalytic thinking
Models of the Mind is a 20-week course that explores different models of how the mind develops and functions as viewed by some key psychoanalytic thinkers. Beginning with Freud and ending with a brief look at some contemporary thinkers, each seminar will explore aspects of how a particular psychoanalyst conceived of the human psyche.
The method will be a guided discussion each week with selected readings by psychoanalytic thinkers. Each session will be facilitated by psychoanalysts who are members of the Melbourne Institute for Psychoanalysis.
This course is not a comprehensive theoretical instruction or clinical training in psychoanalysis. It is an opportunity to explore some of the concepts and ideas of some key psychoanalytic thinkers and in particular their ‘model of the mind’.
11 May - 26 Oct
7.30 - 9:00pm
Online Via Zoom
Applications are now closed
Psychoanalytic Explorations
The use of some key psychoanalytic concepts in everyday clinical work
This course will be a discussion-based small group led by various psychoanalysts from MIP.
In each session, we will discuss a key psychoanalytic concept. A chapter or article will be set as pre-reading and will form the basis for free floating discussion and exploration of the importance of the concept in clinical work in various settings.
This course will be of interest to mental health clinicians in any capacity, and may also be of interest to individuals working in other health care or educational settings or in other professional capacities. It is hoped that this course will add to your current clinical thinking and perhaps also challenge some clinical preconceptions. All participants will have an interview with a course coordinator prior to commencing the course to ascertain whether this would be a useful course for you.
Thursday evenings 7 - 8:30pm 2022
The Melbourne Institute, 400 Tooronga Road, East Hawthorn
Closer to the time an assessment will be made whether the course will be run in person or on zoom.
Dates and Topics:
12th May Beginnings/Introduction
19th May The unconscious
26th May Psychic Reality, unconscious phantasy, internal objects
2nd June Projective Identification
9th June Transference
16th June Countertransference
23rd June Container/contained and learning from experience
Two week break over school holidays
14th July The centrality of emotion and subjectivity
21st July Trauma
28th July Endings
$880 including G.S.T
Some participants, on application to MIP, may be eligible for a limited number of bursaries funded by the Australian Psychoanalytical Foundation
Applications are now closed
Models of the Mind (MoM)
An introductory course to psychoanalytic thinking
March- September 2021
Models of the Mind (MOM) is a part-time course (March to Oct inc) that gives participants an introduction to psychoanalytic thinking.
The course offers an exploratory group experience to examine selected writings by key analytical theorists. The central objective of the course is to engage with analytical ideas and stimulate discussion between participants and the seminar leaders: analysts from the Melbourne Branch. The course will help build a psychoanalytic understanding of the mind, its development, and the nexus between the internal psychic world and the external world.
It is a course focused on early career clinicians who are wanting to develop their understanding of analytical thinking and who may want to consider analytic training in the future. It would also be of interest to graduates from other health and non-health disciplines interested in learning more about analytic thinking and practice.
The course will take place at The Melbourne Institute for Psychoanalysis, 400 Tooronga Road Hawthorn East. Applicants will need to be able to physically attend. If COVID restrictions are still in place, the course will go ahead using zoom.
Seminars will take place on Thursday evenings for 1.5hrs during school terms for a total of 24 weeks. Applicants will be invited to attend an interview to consider whether the course meets their needs
The total course fee is $2200(no GST)
A limited number of bursaries funded by the Australian Psychoanalytic Foundation may be available for applicants for whom otherwise participation may be difficult.